Wednesday, February 23, 2011


I think I can officially scratch number 7 off the list... I did it, I started my blog!!! I had loved the idea of starting a blog for a long time, not necessarily because I think I'm that interesting, because serioulsy I'm not, but because I wanted to journal happenings in my life. So when I came up with this list I thought it was a great opportunity to blog! I hope to accomplish something on my list monthly so that I have post regularly, but we'll see. Stay tuned because next week I will be scratching something else off the list that is huge!!! I'm so excited about this one because I have been talking about it for, forever! For the rest of my list I will post pictures of me doing it so you can feel like you were right there;) However I thought posting a pic of me typing away on my computer would not be that exciting so I decided against it...your welcome! One down 29 to go!

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