November 23, black Friday I woke up because I sneezed really hard and thought I must have peed my panties a little. Well when I got up to change I realized it was blood, and when i peed there was blood. I called my doctors emergency line and then called Klay while I waited for the doctor to call me back and tell me what to do. I have to say I remained pretty calm, and tried to get Klay to stay calm, but he ended up running code home from work if that says anything about how he was feeling. When he got home he didn't even change and we took the patrol car to the hospital...believe me I tried protesting, but Klay would have none of it. When we got to the hospital we met with my doctor and she thought I was dilating, and at first my contractions weren't showing up on the monitor, but once in my room and on a monitor they were showing up a lot and they were pretty hard. An ultra sound showed I was dilating, but thankfully baby looked good. They then hooked me up to Magnesium to help stop the contractions, and I got a steroid shot to help speed up baby boys development if he decided he was coming. I also got a catheter put in because I would be on the mag for 24 hours. The first 30min dose is the worst, thankfully I responded very well and the worst side effect was the extreme heat/flush you get...and it is extreme, like your face feels like it will explode, you're so hot! However we had one of my favorite doctors on call and one the best nurses. So I was greatly taken care of. Klay never left my side and has been such a great him so much! My mom stayed close by in the waiting room and was here if we needed anything. It's Sunday and praise the Lord my contractions have stopped and I'm hoping that I get a good report and will be able to go home in the next few days...but I guess we'll see.
Well it is Tuesday and after a cervix exam I am officially staying in the hospital on strict bed rest. This is not what I wanted per say, but of curse I want what is best for Karter. I would love to be home right now, actually I would love it a lot, but after a lot of prayer and my exam, I am at peace, at the moment, about staying here. It was scary Friday to go through everything I did and I do not want to be at home and something happen that would be harmful to Karter or me. I know this is not going to be the easiest for me, but I do know I have a lot to be thankful for. I am in the hospital because God has blessed me with a precious baby boy and I realize there are lots of other people laying in hospital beds for a lot worse reasons. So even though I would love to lay here and feel sorry for myself because my pregnancy isn't normal, and worry about everything that could happen, I'm deciding to be thankful for where God has me and trust in His plan for mine and Karter's life.
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