Well i know I haven't scratched anything off this list in a while, but seriously this is a big one! I am pregnant!!!! We are so excited about becoming parents..I know there were a few who doubted we would ever take the plunge ;) but here we are! Honestly, we waited for a while because there was so much we wanted to do and we wanted to be in a more stable time in our lives. Well with a lot of prayer and talking we decided it was time to start trying...I also need to add that last year we found out I have a rare condition called Uterus didelphys...never heard of it? Yeah neither had I! Well come to find out I have two separate uteri and two separate cervixes...I know weird! Well my doctor informed me that this would increase my chances for miscarriage and would make me a high risk pregnancy...everything a girl about to try wants to hear...not! However I serve a big God, and Klay and I started to pray that next year about getting pregnant. We were ecstatic when we found out, but also cautious knowing there could be complications in the pregnancy. I am now through my first trimester and I am feeling great! I have complete faith in the Lord and pray this baby arrives safe and healthy...I also know that God is in total control and I surrender this baby to Him. So I would ask if you would join me in praying for the health and safety of my precious baby...I am already seeing a specialist and will continue to see him throughout my pregnancy every week...unless of course everything looks so good that he decides every other week is sufficient ;) he informed me of some things i already knew...i would deliver via c-section, that we need to keep an eye on my cervix, as well as make sure the baby's growth is progressing normally...none the less I will continue to praise God for this blessing in our life!
So fun, congrats! Enjoy every step as you wait and prepare. :)
ReplyDeleteCongrats and we will be praying for all of you!